We all need healing at certain times in our lives and St. Raphael is the Archangel to call on. His name actually means, “God Heals.” St. Raphael is "one of the seven that stand before God" and protects pilgrims on their journeys and performs all manners of healings. At St. Patrick’s Guild, we offer gifts to honor this beloved patron saint of travelers, the blind, nurses, physicians, medical workers, and Christian marriage. To celebrate his feast day on September 29th, we offer a St. Raphael medal and St. Raphael statue in a few sizes. If you want to gift a St. Raphael pendant to a young person for Confirmation or First Communion, St. Patrick’s Guild offers an medal engraving service for only $9.95. When you select a specific St. Raphael pendant, you will see how to add the engraving service to your order to make it extra special for the recipient.
Call on St. Raphael anytime you need healing. Displaying a handsome St. Raphael statue nearby keeps his healing gifts in mind making it a meaningful gift for anyone suffering from illness. In addition, a St. Raphael medal can be worn all day to keep the presence of this beloved Archangel with you. St. Patrick’s Guild seeks to supply our customers with anything they are shopping for. Don’t hesitate to contact us should you have specific needs at 1-800-652-9767.