
St. Anne

St. Anne is regarded as Mary's mother and Jesus' grandmother. Widely recognized as the patron saint of mothers, grandmothers, women in childbirth, childless women, and even Canada, we offer an array of Saint Anne gifts at St. Patrick's Guild. These beautiful items are perfect for giving to individuals who hold her as their patron saint, those bearing her name, or even Confirmation candidates who have selected Mary as their confirmation name. Inside our collection of St. Anne gifts, you'll find a gorgeous St. Anne statue, a St. Anne medal, and a St. Anne rosary.

Anne and Joachim, who believed themselves to be unable to have children, desperately prayed for a solution to their barrenness. Eventually, an angel appeared to Anne, comforting her with the news that she would conceive and that her child would receive blessings from across the world. In response, Anne made a vow to devote her child to the service of God, a promise she fulfilled when Mary was still in her youth. If you or someone you know holds a special devotion to Saint Anne, the patron saint of women, our selection of Saint Anne gifts serves as a meaningful spiritual offering. These items can also be a fitting choice for a Confirmation candidate who has chosen the name Anne for their Confirmation. If you have specific questions about our St. Anne gifts, please contact us at: or call 800-652-9767.